About Her
Assalamuailakum, I have created this profile for my younger daughter. She is a kind, softspoken and practicing muslim. She has completed her MBA in finance and marketing (dual specialisation). Currently pursuing Ph.D in Management. We belong to a well educated family and many of our relatives reside in USA, Canada and Dubai. We are looking for a practicing Muslim whose settled abroad.
Basic Information of SSFU94739
Sunni - Ahle Sunnat
PhD Doctorate
Gulbarga, India
Annual Income
No Income
Religion and Ethnicity
Sunni - Ahle Sunnat
Education and Occupation
PhD Doctorate
Annual Income
No Income
Her father is working in USA, I’m working as a principal for a CBSE school. My elder daughter got married in Hyderabad and now settled in Seattle, USA with my son in law who is working as a programmer analyst for an IT firm.
Family Type
Nuclear Family
Father's Name
Mukhim Sharif
SSFU94739 Desired Partner Profile
Basic Details
5ft 7in 170cm to 6ft 3in 190cm
Religion & Ethnicity
Sunni - Ahle Sunnat
Lifestyle and Attributes
5ft 7in 170cm to 6ft 3in 190cm