SSMU12906 Desired Partner Profile
I am looking for a Shareek-E-Hayat who is blessed with children irrespective of their age, who is caring and a compassionate partner. Life will be beautiful if there is love and care between the couple. Sabr (Patience) and Shukr (Thankfullness) are the two key characters which makes a person content in life and alhumdulillah I have been gifted with these qualities and I will be fortunate if I get these qualities in my spouse. If a person is religious and follows the Tenants of Islam then there is no stopping him or her from entering Jannah and they will take their family along with them. Our ultimate goal and the very purpose of our life in this world is to strive for Jannah, I wish and hope my would be life partner to aim for Jannah.
Basic Details
5ft 2in 157cm to 5ft 6in 167cm
Religion & Ethnicity
Sunni - Ahle Sunnat