About Him
as salaam alaikum, I belogs to a decent family back ground we are residents of old city yakut pura Hyderabad, and sunni religious we do fatey ha like all function yearly, we love our family fully dependent on Islam and deen, self motivated, well educated back ground right know I am working with bin laden group company Fast contracting and construction company in KSA Makkah city since last 12 years before I worked for other form in Hyderabad city
Basic Information of SSME39019
Sunni - Ahle Sunnat
Hyderabad, India
Annual Income
Rupee. 50001-100000
Religion and Ethnicity
Sunni - Ahle Sunnat
Education and Occupation
Annual Income
alhumdullilah may prey to all that may Allah give the same family to everyone
Family Type
Nuclear Family
Father's Name
syed zahoor uddin
Mother's Occ
Home Maker
SSME39019 Desired Partner Profile
good knowledgeable caring helping reading quran salah respectfully must knowledge of kitchen manage and well organized other activities at home self motivated must have some educational skills handling financial status
Basic Details
5ft 2in 157cm to 5ft 2in 157cm
Lifestyle and Attributes
5ft 2in 157cm to 5ft 2in 157cm