About Her
Our daughter Asfia has completed her MBBS and is now pursuing the final year of MS in Orthopaedic Surgery. She is open-minded and humble in her daily life. She admires and strives to maintain a strong work ethic that focuses on hard work and creative satisfaction. Family is at the core of her priorities and values. She is resilient and adaptive, she can cope with changes in circumstances, solving problems and tasks in creative ways. I am her mother and I am a dedicated homemaker. Her father is a Doctor working with Quadris Ortho Neuro Clinic. Our younger daughter and son have completed their MBBS and are now preparing for USMLE exams. Feel free to initiate contact if the above strikes a chord.
Basic Information of SSFU52162
Sunni - Ahle Sunnat
Hyderabad, India
Annual Income
No Income
Religion and Ethnicity
Sunni - Ahle Sunnat
Education and Occupation
Annual Income
No Income
Family Value
Family Type
Nuclear Family
Father's Name
Dr Aleem Quadri
Father's Occ
Mother's Occ
Home Maker
SSFU52162 Desired Partner Profile
Someone who is understanding, practices Sabr and shukar
Basic Details
5ft 6in 167cm to 6ft 0in 182cm
Religion & Ethnicity
Sunni - Ahle Sunnat
Lifestyle and Attributes
5ft 6in 167cm to 6ft 0in 182cm