About Her
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.As Ruby Khan's sister, I'm honored to introduce her as a remarkable individual in search of a Sunni Muslim groom who shares her values and aspirations. Ruby, a resident of Vasai, holds a BSc IT degree from Mumbai University and boasts previous experience as a Relationship Manager at a private bank. Her talents extend beyond the professional realm; Ruby is a skilled cook, an adventurous traveler, and embraces the thrill of adventure sports. Her jovial nature and warm personality make her a joy to be around. We eagerly anticipate finding the perfect match for Ruby, someone who appreciates her blend of intellect, kindness, and zest for life.
Basic Information of SSFH85019
Sunni - Ahle Hadees
Looking For Job
Annual Income
No Income
Religion and Ethnicity
Sunni - Ahle Hadees
Education and Occupation
Looking For Job
Annual Income
No Income
Family Type
Nuclear Family
Father's Name
Safruddin Khan
SSFH85019 Desired Partner Profile
Basic Details
5ft 6in 167cm to 6ft 1in 185cm
Religion & Ethnicity
Sunni - Ahle Hadees
Lifestyle and Attributes
5ft 6in 167cm to 6ft 1in 185cm