About Him
As Salamu Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu...My Name is Abdul Nowsher Khader. I have Completed my Bachelor's in Computer Science from Hyderabad, India and pursuing my Master's in Computer Science in USA. This is my Masters program will be completed (In shaa Allah). I'm planning to marry this Year ASAP. I live here with my Brother and Sister-in-law who are Green card holders in Chicago, Illinois.
I'm a Islamic Person. I'm very practicing muslim. I prayer 5 times and Tahajjud as well. I also do fasting.
I'm looking forward for a spouse who should be deeni, nakabi, namazi and akhlaaqi. If she likes to study I'll be supporting her and if she wants to do job I'll be supporting her, but I prefer her to stay home and take care of the family. I don't smoke, no drinking habits. My Uncle owns House Of Biryani in Devon and I work over there as part time and Earns $40,000 per Annum. I'm a Computer Science Engineering In shaa Allah I'll be focusing on Java Developer as soon as my Masters program is completed.
Basic Information of SSMU90893
Sunni - Ahle Sunnat
Annual Income
Dollar. 50001-100000
Religion and Ethnicity
Sunni - Ahle Sunnat
Education and Occupation
Annual Income
SSMU90893 Desired Partner Profile