Islamic-minded family and my house is separate
Father's Name
md Abdus sahid
Mother's Occ
Home Maker
SSMO14234 Desired Partner Profile
I want to have a polygyny marriage, for the sake of Allah and help those who are helpless, orphans, and neglected for accepting or practicing Islam and those who easily agree to become my second wife ----------------------------- only one thing is my expectation she should be practicing Muslimah following the Quran and sunnah as per the understanding of salaf e saleheen maintain non-mahram with full hijab agree with simple nikah without extra arrange without dowry tradition, and away from shirk and bidah. ------- After reading my description if anyone is interested please contact WA +918787463860
Basic Details
4ft 7in 139cm to 5ft 9in 175cm
Marital Status
Kula Marriage
Religion & Ethnicity
Sunni - Ahle Hadees